Unlock your wildest ideas

Unlock your wildest ideas

Creativity is the thinking that fuels innovation. When creativity is practiced in what you do, it leads to an increase in productivity, innovation, agility, and growth.

Whether you lead a team, or freelance, everything you need to level up your creativity is right here.

Let’s partner up. What’s the worst that could happen?

You’re not boring, you just don’t have a creative thinking toolkit… yet.

Being creative isn’t just a skill blessed upon you at birth. It’s something you can practice, learn and become an expert in. That’s what the creative thinking club is. All the toolkits you need to expand your creative thinking and solve problems in record time are right here.

From to interactive workshops and engaging talks, to creative consulting and mentoring, get ready to level up your creativity.

If you think it sounds wild, you’re damn right.

Meet your host

Be is a designer with experience working with global brands and creative teams for more than 7 years.

She’s a walking party with a unique outlook on life. Managing teams and bringing people together with her creative thinking is what Be does best. She loves it so much, she’s on a mission to help others get the toolkit they need to unlock their wildest ideas.

Workshops & Talks

  • Workshops and talks are engaging sessions that can be delivered online or in person, to teams or a solo party.

  • Hit me up and we’ll have a quick call to understand your needs. You can ask for a specific session, or I can recommend one, then either will be tailored just for you!


  • Help with an idea, creative problem or design delivery? Rent my brain…

  • One off, or on a retained basis - your call. We can work out a plan to suit your needs.


  • Going solo or new to the industry? Everyone needs a creative cheerleader to support them through the journey.

  • We’ll have a 15 minute call so I can understand your situation, which is then followed up with an hour session where I’ll bring the tools you need to overcome your challenges.